Indian organic food market is growing at a steady rate of 40 percent annually more so because of a growing population with high disposable income and rising health consciousness.
Currently, India has about 4.5 million hectares of area under certified organic farms and the number is growing fast. The global organic market currently stands at around US$ 65 billion and is growing at a robust annual rate of over 5 billion dollars. Certified organic products including all varieties of food products namely basmati rice, pulses, honey, tea, spices, coffee, oilseeds, fruits, processed food, cereals, herbal medicines, and their value-added products are produced in India. Apart from the edible sector organic cotton fiber, garments, cosmetics, functional food products, body care products, etc. are also produced. Although, organic farming is picking up pace in India the sector has been jostling with a lack of awareness, knowledge, and confidence about organic farming, food products among both farmers and consumers.