While these pop sockets are cheap and provide add a good utility to smartphones, people purchase and use them. But with time, they get bored with it because the color fades and putting the phone inside pockets and bags becomes a hassle. Further, smartphones that support NFC face problems with payment. After that, people think about removing it. However, popsockets don’t come out that easily and many people are interested to know how they can remove a popsocket without actually breaking anything. Here, in this guide, we will see exactly that.
How to Remove a PopSocket Without Breaking It
1 How to Remove a PopSocket Without Breaking It1.1 The Cost-Effective Method:1.2 The Professional Method
Removing a pocsocket without actually breaking anything is quite easy. However, we will describe 2 methods to do the same. The first method is cost-effective; you only need strength, long nails, and nothing more. The next method will require some tools but guarantee effortness removal. You don’t have to worry because people usually stick popsocket on the back cover and not directly on the phone itself. Oh, wait! Did you stick the popsocket to your phone directly? If that’s the case, you must follow the cost-effective way and wash your phone with isopropyl alcohol to remove any residual glue.
The Cost-Effective Method:
Prerequisites: Long fingernails, strength, and butter paper. Just follow these steps for the easy and cost-effective method. If you want to use the pop socket some other time on your same smartphone, keep some butter paper handy to stick it on the popsocket.
The Professional Method
Prerequisites: Isopropyl alcohol (You can also use rubbing alcohol), pryer or pry tool, or credit card, and butter paper Make sure not to keep the popsocket directly somewhere because it will be exposed to dust. If dust sticks on your popsocket it won’t stick anywhere else. Well, that’s all we have here about how you can remove a popsocket without breaking anything. If you follow our method carefully, you won’t break anything. READ NEXT:
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