Making considerable money despite having huge traffic to your site immensely depends upon your website niche, visitors geo, and displaying ad network. The first two aspects are pretty much expected and are well-known that it is imperative to start with a high-paying niche and focus on the target audience if you want to earn big. However, the third aspect, which is displaying ad networks, is ignored by many people in this industry. Due to this ignorant behavior, they miss out on boosting their current income as ad networks are majorly responsible for increasing your earnings. Many digital advertising platforms have been established, offering publishers to earn bonus revenue with optimized solutions. One such example of such a digital advertising platform is Moneytizer. Looking to increase your ad revenue by displaying a top ad network, Moneytizer can help you boost your income. So, before we proceed with this topic, let’s get to know what exactly Moneytizer is?

The Moneytizer Review 

What is Moneytizer?

Moneytizer is an online ad network company. It is headquartered in France, which is considered ideal for small-sized websites to optimize ad revenues. In 2014, Augustin Ory, the company’s founder, started to optimize publisher revenue and provide innovative solutions without involving a complex process. Moneytizer is an excellent source based on header bidding technology allowing the advertising giants to compete for your ad spaces. It is solely recommended for the people looking to start their career as an online publisher and even for individuals who have worked with online advertising platforms and never get contentment collaborating with those platforms. This platform encourages the advertisers to compete with each other while displaying their advertisements on the website. The best part is, all the displayed ads will be auctioned, and the person with the highest bid will win. This implies you will get the best possible price for the displayed advertisement straightforwardly. Today, Moneytizer has a network of more than 40,000 sites with more than 5 million unique visitors per day. Moreover, these visitors are increasing each day along with the Moneytizer’s recognition. The Moneytizer reviews other publisher’s websites before approving their accounts.

How does the Moneytizer Work?

The Moneytizer offers a wide range of ad units to the viewers, including Medium rectangle, Megabanner, Mobile, and even higher impact ad units. It becomes effortless with Moneytizer to monetize a website and boost its revenue as the network’s minimum requirement is 10,000 unique visitors every month. You can imagine how much revenue can 10,000 visitors generate, too, when the website is new and just launched. The Moneytizer works on the concept of CPM. It means the Moneytizer does not allow the CPM metrics to be displayed on the platform, making it one of the best alternatives of Google Adsense to collaborate with.

The Moneytizer Ad Formats

Moneytizer provides the latest ad units to amplify the revenue of the publisher. The publishers are offered with the ad formats mentioned below:

Important: Dressing, Footer, and Native Formats Video Advertising: In-Text and Pre-Roll The Mobile Web: Interstitial, Footer, and Over Slide Classic Format: Megabanner, Mega skyscraper, Megabanner Bas, Big Angle, Low Pave, Pave Up, Skyscraper, and Billboard Other formats including MegaBanner Bottom, Bottom Medium Rectangle, half Page, top Medium Rectangle, Skin, and Authorized Content

Note: The publishers are not allowed to use more than 4 units per page. Also Read: 14 Ways to Monetize your Website apart from AdSense

The Moneytizer Review- How to Get Started?

Signing up with Moneytizer is effortless. The registration process involves a few simple steps. However, before start using the Moneytizer, there is some particular conditions your website should meet:

Original Content At least 10,000 unique monthly visitors. Your website should not contain anything illegitimate, sensitive content, and bitcoin. No websites about streaming.

You are eligible to create your account if you meet the above parameters. Visit the Moneytizer website. Register and create your account. Once you fill in all the details it asks for, and you will be required to fill in your personal information. The next step is to provide information about your website, including the URL, website category, number of unique visitors per month, and primary audience. You also need to provide the banking information for the payments. Submitting all the details will redirect you to the Moneytizer’s dashboard. You need to activate your website from the dashboard by placing the ads.txt file on your root server location. You can check out in brief how to activate your website? In the next step, verification is conducted by the Moneytizer team. They will analyze and check whether your website is eligible to get approved or not. The verification process usually takes up to 48 hours to complete. You will get a confirmation email if their validation team accepts your website.

The Moneytizer Review- Top Features

#1. The Header Bidding

This platform provides an opportunity for all the publishers to get the maximized revenue by making all advertisers compete with each other through the bidding process. This feature of Moneytizer is based on the renowned ‘Header Bidding’ technology in which your site gets the maximized profits, and the steady income stream can be expected. Also, it comprises dynamic floor prices, ensuring the ads are not purchased at an undervalued price. This feature is useful as it creates a level of competition among various demand resources.

2. Smart Ad Refresh Technology

It displays dynamic ad units that refresh after every 25 seconds. This implies that if a visitor is browsing through your website, then after 25 seconds, the old ad will automatically be refreshed to exhibit a new ad. It is an excellent feature as when a user remains at your website for more than 1 to 2 minutes, seeing the same ad will not be leaving any robust impact on them. Instead, the ad will no longer remain intriguing for them. This technology will prove lucrative for your website and lead to more ad impressions, resulting in increased revenue.

3. Supported Ad Formats

The platform is filled with a bunch of options to choose from. You can leverage a lack of choice as you can choose among different ad formats on your website: Standard ad units or High Impact ad units. 3.1 Standard Ad Units Standard Ad units include all the commonly used ad formats, including Half Page,  Bottom Medium Rectangle, Top Medium Rectangle, MegaBanners; also known as Leaderboards, Skyscraper, Mega Skyscraper, Billboard, and Megabanner Bottom. 3.2 High Impact Ad Units These premium advertisement formats can be placed alongside the standard formats. These ad units are primarily designed to encourage customer engagement for a specific product or service of a particular brand. It is an interactive approach helping a brand in improving its brand value by analyzing the electronic devices such as mobiles, tablets, laptops, and desktops) behavior patterns of consuming content and overall user experience. It includes ad formats such as Footer, Skin, Native Article Auto, Pop, and Recommended Content. 3.3 Video Ad Units These ads display all video ads on your website. You can also see various ads showing the Monitizer review. Usually, these ad units are placed between 2 paragraphs, and the user can see the ad when they scroll down to the part showing the ad content. All these ads are protected against pop-ups, redirects, and malicious downloads to ensure you have multiple connections with quality networks along with keeping your brand safe. Also Read: 10 Ways To Make Money With WordPress

4. Dedicated Account Manager

The Moneytizer reviews are stellar. It is solely because of the spectacular services it provides to its customers. Each publisher is entitled to get a separate account manager facilitating all their tasks, starting from basic operational support to solving troubleshooting issues. Suppose the publisher thinks the impressions are not correctly documented or facing any issues in displaying the ads. In that case, the account manager will always assist you and act as a key to all your problems. The account manager will also guide you on maximizing your revenue by informing you of the most effective way to optimize your ads.

5. Easy Integration

One of the major reasons for this platform to get famous is that it is user-friendly and easy to use. Unlike many other ad network platforms, it has a simple integration process. The registration process is straightforward. Moreover, logging in to their website is effortless.

6. Contract-Free

The majority of the ad network companies restrict the publisher to try any other ad network provider and therefore make them sign the contract as per their specific terms and conditions. However, Moneytizer believes in allowing users to opt-out as per their wish without a complicated procedure without charging any extra fees. Hence, Moneytizer is a non-binding, contract-free, and non-exclusive ad network, which means you can disable their ads and opt-out anytime.

7. Better Ad Quality

You may have perceived many ads online available at numerous sites trying to offer appealing ways to make hefty money within few minutes or alluring viewers with some adult content hankering for innocent users fall in their trap. These types of spammy pages redirect you to malicious sites. It is possible when the publishers of these sites cannot verify before making their ads live. However, Moneytizer does not allow these kinds of ads to be displayed. It also ensures the visitors see the best quality ads, further improving the customer experience.

8. Includes a WordPress Plugin

If you are a WordPress user, you will get access to a dedicated WordPress plugin. You can use it further to place ads on your website, request new ad units, see statistics, and do much more. You can operate all these functions straight from your WordPress dashboard. Also Read: Digital Money India Review – Is it a Scam?

Why Choose Moneytizer?

Not one, there are many reasons why opting for this ad network company is a stellar choice. Their astounding collection of various ad formats and committed Header Bidding System will allow you to maximize your revenue and display the ideal CPM on each ad. Another good part about it is that the whole process is seamless, and transparent, unlike many other ad networks. Furthermore, it gets elementary for the publishers who dedicated present to assist them and facilitate tasks for them. This immensely helps the publisher set up their website with no obstructions under professional technical support guidance.

One of the fascinating aspects about Moneytizer is that it does not penalize publishers by jabbing them into a contractual system. They remain free to opt-out of the network anytime they want without paying any extra charges. Hence, it is safe, secure, and reliable to sign-up for this CPM ad network, which will tremendously optimize your website ad revenue.

Pros and Cons of Moneytizer

Pros: Cons:

What are the Factors That Can Affect Your Earnings?

Certain factors should be considered well in advance; otherwise, it could affect your revenues and cut off your profits:

Your ad visibility (Ad Blockers lower the ad visibility) The price you are willing to spend for advertising your website The format and the category you selected for your website The season; for instance, if it is before New years eve, the prices of ad campaigns may increase because of the increase in demand during that time.

The Moneytizer Payment Details

So, here comes the most crucial aspect, which includes how and when you will be paid. The publishers will get paid on a Net 30 basis. The minimum payout $50, which can be withdrawn through Paypal and Wire Transfer. Their system will generate an invoice at the end of the month (10th of every month) when you accumulate the ad revenue threshold by the end of the month. Here are the payment details of a Moneytizer network:

Commission Type- CPM Advertising Type- Display Monetization Options: Websites and Apps Requirement for Publishers: More than 10,000 unique visitors every month Support Email- Dedicated Account Manager

Furthermore, it takes up to 60 days for the payment to be credited to your bank account from the invoice’s date. Recommended: GetKeywords Review – Best SEO Tool for Keyword Research Moneytizer is an impeccable ad optimization platform that helps to boost your revenue seamlessly. It also ensures your website has the right amount of high-quality visitors each month to ensure you earn a steady monthly income. The Moneytizer review online will confirm how much money thousands of people have made through this magnificent platform. Still, thinking? Go for it! Join the network and start earning enormously. If you have any questions or want to meet with an executive of the Moneytizer, you can get in touch with us at +1 347 599 6914 or email us at

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